Monday, March 7, 2011

The Two-Handed Backhand (for the right handed player)

Exercise for the Backhand

     An exercise to help improve the backhand is the side medicine ball throw while standing.  You will start by holding the medicine ball out in front of you with one hand on each side of the ball but more towards the underside of it.  You will now begin to bring the ball to the lower left side of your body so the ball is now slightly behind the left hip with the knees slightly bent. This motion will also include the twisting and rotating of the hips, torso, and shoulders with the elbows in full extension; your body should now be sideways with the right foot in front and left in back.  With the weight on the back (left) foot, the driving force of the throw starts with the back (left) hip coming forward (rotating to the right).  The trunk and arms now follow the hip with the arms going up and forward and releasing the ball with the elbows still in extension; this entire movement is completed at a fairly strenuous pace.  Make sure you are keeping your back mainly straight and keeping your chest up especially after the release.  This exercise helps strengthen the upper body and increase your explosiveness through the entire rotation (hips, torso, shoulders) while hitting the backhand.  If you do not have someone to toss the medicine ball back to you, you can perform this exercise while standing a couple feet away from a wall. 


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